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Embracing New Adventures for Couples: How to Invite Your Partner to Explore an Adult Playground Together

*Disclaimer*  Content Warning:  NFWC (Not for Work Content):  This post discusses adult themes. It is intended for mature audiences only. Reader discretion is advised.

Popping the Kernel: How Suffering Transforms Us Into Compassionate Beings, No Judgement

In her brilliant work "Reconciliation," Thich Nhat Hanh paints a vivid picture of the relationship between suffering, love, and compassion. Without the fiery crucible of suffering, she argues, we cannot truly cultivate these profound human qualities. It's like trying to pop popcorn without any heat—without the flames of hardship, the kernels of love, compassion remain hard and unyielding, never reaching their full, fluffy potential.

Our fear of suffering locks up our love and limits our compassion, like a kernel trapped in its shell. To unlock our full potential, we must stare our suffering in the face, embrace it, and let go of the fear that keeps us from popping into our true selves. When we feed our fear, it breeds anxiety, creating a vicious cycle that keeps us stuck.

Living Fearlessly and Honestly

What's the worst that could happen, you ask? We will all die one day; that is a given. So why fear living fearlessly, lovingly, and radically honestly? By honesty, I don't mean being a bitch, an ass or a jerk. Yes, speak your truth, your fears, your pain. Being radically honest means offering a chance to learn from another instead of saying, "How could you say that to me?" or "I guess we can't talk about this since we obviously don't agree" or "this reaction or this topic makes me uncomfortable so I don't want to talk about it".

Instead, let’s be curious. Open our hearts and say, "Wow, I never thought of it from that perspective. That is different from how I see things." Instead of shaming with "You are wrong and I am right," let's acknowledge that there is no right and there is no wrong. We are all experiencing life differently, in different time zones, timelines, and on different life paths.

Embracing Differences: From Spices to Life Choices

Some of us evolve and grow, finding ways to remain curious about how others see things differently. And yes, there are still dinosaurs roaming this earth with archaic or fixed mindsets—those who say, "This is how we have always done things, and this is how we will continue to do things. Shame on you for wanting to change it."

Let me explain with this short but totally true story....

So, picture this: I whip up a meal that's practically a spice carnival—garlic, cumin, paprika, you name it, all having a party in the pot. I'm feeling pretty proud of my culinary masterpiece, expecting fireworks of flavor appreciation. My guests? They stroll in with taste buds that clearly missed the invite. They prefer dishes that are as exciting as watching paint dry—just butter, salt, and pepper.

As they sampled my flavorful fiesta, the reactions were priceless. Imagine a toddler tasting a lemon for the first time—grimaces, squints, the whole nine yards. I heard a chorus of "Oh, that's too spicy!" and "It's too much for me!" Sure, I felt a twinge of disappointment that my spice symphony wasn't hitting the right notes for them.

But hey, everyone's got their thing. If your culinary comfort zone is the gastronomic equivalent of beige, more power to you. Just don’t rain on my spice parade. Life's too short for bland food and dull conversations—let's sprinkle a little flavor wherever we can! 

You can take this spicy food analogy and sprinkle it over any part of life where you don’t quite get someone else’s choices or tastes. 

Here's a spicy nugget of wisdom I’ve picked up over the past year: You have zero right to comment, gossip, or judge how someone else lives their life. And if they’re busy judging their own life, remind them it’s their buffet, their menu—they hold the ladle and control the portions.

Choose Your Path

If tweaks are needed, make them. If improvements are necessary, go for it. If you need an update to your mental software, then do it. If you need a reset, embrace it. But please, do it because you chose to, not because others judged you for it.

In the end, life is a mix of flavors—spicy, bland, and everything in between. Embrace your unique taste, savor the variety, and let the heat of suffering transform you into something extraordinary, just like popcorn.

Here are other posts that might interests you: The Art of Thinking and the Myth of Normalcy in Our Society  


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Embracing New Adventures for Couples: How to Invite Your Partner to Explore an Adult Playground Together

*Disclaimer*  Content Warning:  NFWC (Not for Work Content):  This post discusses adult themes. It is intended for mature audiences only. Reader discretion is advised.